... Ribe. If Lejre was taking a deep breath before the bigger markets, Ribe was like exhaling again, relaxing a little.
This effect is especially strong after Moesgaard. Ribe has more space and everything seems to go in a somewhat slower pace. Still, being in markets for such a long time in a row left its traces, and Ása had to take a day off and go to a place with no background noises (luckily, the Wadden Sea is just around the corner).
After that came the rain. It poured down for an hour straight, the wind pressed the water through the fabric of our tent (yep, it's not waterproof anymore...), people and their equipment were washed of of their camps. Afterwards, people were still in an amazingly cheerful mood. But one has to be crazy to do this hobby anyway and those are the moments when the crazyness shows.
Unfortunately, Dany and Micha had to go earlier because of some trouble at home. After two and a half weeks of traveling together, the camp felt sort of empty - one gets used to stuff so quickly. We were allowed to take a break from the market time at the völva's place (thanks, Gudrun!) and spent the last days of our big summer tour refreshed.