Artikel tagged “Marktbericht”

Ribe warrior week 2020

Actually, we did not expect to be at any larger Viking event this year. So we were more than lucky when we saw that the warrior week in Ribe would take place, an opportunity we just had to grasp.

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We're back - for a while...

After two months of traveling the North, we are back for a while to have some "normal", non-Viking life. We had a beautiful and interesting time and want to thank everyone who joined us - be it for weeks, be it for a fun evening only.

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The end of another season

While autumn leaves change colours once more and the sun sets quicker and earlier it is time to look back upon one more successful market season. Since we have been reporting about current affairs throughout the summer, we can limit ourselves to the last two months with a lot of activity and another two markets: The early medieval crafts market in Dietsfordt near Wesel and, very spontaneously, HIKG in Adventon near Osterburken.

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Moesgård? - Mudgård!

Moesgård was really big as well - this year they had more than 600 warriors fighting, plus all non-fighting companions and traders. But even though the campground not only covers a big, grassy field, but extends to the beach as well, it was very, very crowded...

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Looking back to the Denmark-tour

A few days ago we came back from our big Denmark-summer-tour. Almost a month of "Viking life", traveling from one market to the next, staying always at least one week at one place, gave us some really special impressions.

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