So whats up with Ása and Víl?
- We have new wool fleeces, thanks to our friends in Remscheid. The fleeces were "produced" by Lotte, who is much greyer than last year, and Skadi, who is is white. We still have a lot of Doofie's last year's fleece, but Doofie herself is no more. They're all sorted and washed but still need combing. Lots of combing! Everyone is welcome to help us during the next few weeks!
- Ása is making sprang items and spinning relentlessly. Very much so during the last few days, in order to produce another 20 yarns of which some will be dyed next Saturday.
- Víl has made an Oseberg yarn winder for Ása, a second one will be for sale as soon as it's finished (in Hedeby).
- also, he has produced lots of new wool combs. Most of them are inspired by a find from ~10th c. Ostrow Lednicki in Poland, one by a Norwegian find and some historically inspired own designs.
- Some spoons, big and small have been made. Most of still need some finishing touches. One in particular was born out of sheer boredom and is intricately carved (see picture).
- Spindles. Many more will be made during our stay in Denmark, as soon as we can get our hands on nice soapstone, ceramics and glass whorls.
- Víl is speeding to finish planing the wooden planks for a new oak chest. Another smaller treasure chest was finished some weeks ago.
- After last year's mud disaster in Moesgaard, we realized how important a spade can be. Although we'll be taking a small military folding spade with us this time, Víl also carved one of oak for added authenticity.
- We've collected more than a kilogram of woad seeds from our (completely organic, pesticide-free, eco-friendly etc.) back garden. We'll bring them with us on our market tour and everyone who spends more than 30 EUR (250DKK) on wool or other produce will get a small bag of them for free. Just so you know what awaits you!